Want to explore a new city in the UK? Travel somewhere without the hassle.

Find places to stay, wine and dine, see live music, explore nature or spend time with family. All from the comfort of your phone.

Welcome to the Focus Group UK! Started in 2017, we recognised a gap in the market for localised websites and social media to bring together businesses and people living in the area. There has always been a huge amount of effort put in to tourism and visitors from elsewhere, but what about the people that live there? How do they know what’s going on in the area?

So Southampton Focus was setup as the first pages and website and over the years grew into its own space, cementing the need for localised sites. Now a fully fledged advertising platform, businesses can list themselves on the site and gain exposure from the site advertising and brand name, as well as free event listings and blog posts from local writers.

Moving forward, we are excited to expand this into new cities and spaces as the need for local business and community grows.

Want to advertise to local businesses?

We have all realised over the last couple of years, just how IMPORTANT it is for you and your business to have an online presence. Advertising to local people in your area, or people in the cities you want to target will help you to build a loyal community where you need it the most.

Choose from the localised sites below or contact us to advertise group-wide.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about advertising with us or adding your city to our network, send us an email at info@mirrordigitalmedia.co.uk with your enquiry.

Follow us on Instagram: @focus_groupuk